Composition, color, PLACES: microcrystalline quartz (kalcedono) strain of SiO2 - quartz crystal can not see with the naked eye. Mohs scale: 6.5 - 7.5. Found almost everywhere in the world, mainly in volcanic rocks. From 1548 extracted Idar-Oberstein in Germany. It is also found in Uruguay, Brazil, USA, Mexico, Madagascar, India, China, Scotland, in many places in Africa. Agate is a variety of chalcedony microcrystalline quartz inclusions, which appears as a colored bar. Agate is a rainbow of colors. Less - blue and green, are semi-opaque or transparent. Agate painted in stripes of different colors and stripes, which are due to impurities. According to a number of distinguishable colors of agate groups, the most important: natural (red), agate, known as a bright orange Carnelian, moss agate (Indian agate, jasper Dapper) - dirty-green, green, tan, brown, usually without bands of lace agate - bands of different ornate letters, black agate, eye agate - the spiral form of letters; parallel bands called dappled agate onyx, still in Arizona, Montana, tree agate, and others - almost everyone submit their own source of additional groups of agate.
Esoteric features: Jewelry from the agate has been known for the Biblical account of Babylon, Byzantium, the ancient cultures of ancient Persia, they were considered as precious stones. In many cultures it was believed to protect against snake and scorpion stings. Agate was protected from storms, to focus efforts to protect and even made invisible. They laid an bolster defense against bad dreams, and were worn to strengthen the gums.
Agate is a stone of September, as well as the sign of Gemini Stone, I feel, Capricorn for Aquarius, Virgo - the zodiac stone for - Leo, Scorpio, cancer [moss agate]. as a mascot - a balance. It is advisable to give 12 and 14 wedding anniversary.
Strong protective stone since ancient times used as a talisman and amulet. Protects against negative energies and negative external effects and risks. Patronage are far from home, especially the strong protection of a child. Agata is suitable for wear by plane and boat trips. Balances masculine and feminine personality will. It helps to know the truth, accept circumstances.
It is believed that agate helps to clarify the truth, accept circumstances, and is a powerful emotional doctor. It also improves endurance - especially for the competition, also promotes fairness. Agate strengthens the connection with nature and provide vital energy, courage, promotes and protects against the risks. Agate enhances insight, memory, concentration and helps to develop analytical skills. Helps find forgotten or hidden talents, promote fear of the goal is considered to be a long, happy and wealthy life symbol.
Effects on body: Agate helps to prevent insomnia and ensure pleasant dreams. Longer wearing agate necklace, earth energy creates connections between the joints, bones, muscles, improves coordination. Damaged parts of the body may be increased by treating the need for resources - for the amplified symptoms, in which case it should be in consultation with your doctor to choose the right medication or enhancing agents. Agate energy than direct heals and helps you choose the right tools. It is recommended for pregnant women, and white agate - women skeptical about their femininity.
Blue Agate
This is a soothing stone that helps self-expression, inhibition of anger, disputes at home. Reduces infections, inflammations. Placed in the bedroom ensures peaceful dreams. This is the sign of Cancer stone, especially for a woman named Agnes.
Bull's eye agate
Prevents nuirjimo, improves chances of survival and intuition.
Nriniuotasis agate (snake skin)
It absorbs emotional pain and must be frequently cleaned. Increases stamina, suitable to wear with exhaustion.
Bostvanos agate
This is the feminine energy stone for anyone who works with plants and water. Protects from poisoning, dehydration, as well as swelling and edema.
Moss agate and wood
In disharmony, irritability, moss agate helps to recuperate, control emotions and removes stress. Tree Agate Agate is known as money because it helps raise money and also helps to work with the land for farming.
Fire Agate
Provides energy boost. Especially for the lack of power, trust or restricted positive emotions. For all the fire signs also help persuade and sell - for sellers.